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The SocialCoin...

The better Bitcoin !!!

The SocialCoin has a total supply of

only 10.000.000 Coins !!!

The SocialCoin has a blocktime of

only 10 seconds !!!



Anyone taking part in this system

(reporting scam or airdrop)

automatically gets free lifetime access to


All SocialCoins given away to

scam reporters or airdrop participants

are the first SocialCoins on the market and

are forming the circulating supply !!!

Scam will be forever and so there will always be

a demand for a website giving out warnings

like antivirus programms do, too.

But we are faster or can work faster than an antivirus !!!

For example, I stumbled over the scam website:


that I listed yesterday, the 22nd of August 2022.

Only the next day, the 23rd of August 2022

it was blocked as phising by Avast,

my antivirus programm.

For this statement I have videos of proof !!!

With this fact, I want to tell you, how important my work is

and that one day in the future,

when our system is running, it is possible to work

together with an antivirus provider or just sell it

because it`s working better than detection programms

and much too often our system is faster.

If it, for example, comes to a selling of the whole system,

I would start a new cryptocurrency project

with the same community.

I beg you to always record your investments

when you are doing a deposit or withdrawal

on a website for the first time.

A withdrawal that is not executed,

can be the first sign of an

Exit Scam !!!

(But please, always keep to the time frame

of your service provider !!!)

That`s why it is possible to list it on our website

as a warning and you can earn


for your contribution too !!!




Today, the 21st of August 2022 the value of 1 SocialCoin

is set to:


100 Satoshi


7,572 % annually / 0,020 % daily interest


(very soon) a lot of Satoshi on top !!!!!


These Satoshi on top are always including the 7,572 % annually interest then because

it will be much more !!!


At the start we are only working with

the annually interest of 7,572 %.

But it`s even possible to give the SocialCoin the value of up to

1000 Satoshi (or even more) !!!!!


The total supply of the SocialCoin is only:



The blockchain is:



The contract address is:



The wallet address with all funds is:




10 % (1.000.000 SocialCoins)

are for the project initiator of Satoshi-World.


At the time SocialCoins can not be bought.

They can only be traded at the

MintMe.com Exchange

by coin owners.

Please use my referral link for the Exchange:


The SocialCoin is paired with:

MintMe / BTC / ETH / USDC / BNB

SocialCoin owners determine the price !!!

Satoshi-World.de won`t sell any Coins before

listing on another Exchange !!!

Maybe I am never selling on an Exchange because

I only offer  SocialCoins to the community !!!



The SocialCoin is a community Coin and is only

increasing in value.

It`s a community Coin because it can also be earned in the telegram group: 



by submitting scam using this form:


To share scam is very helpful for us all !!!

In our telegram group we will work on how to find and use different income streams,

to give more value to the SocialCoin.

Exact guides how to do something or where to register

will be honored there in SocialCoins.

Any earned SocialCoin is taking part in the

above described system !!!

At the start all income will be shared 50:50.

50 % is for Satoshi-World because

we have no income and

50 % is for the SocialCoin backing.


Advertisement income on this website will

always be for Satoshi-World.de.

But if you find an advertiser or sponsor for me,

you will earn SocialCoins too !!!

The more SocialCoins you collect, the more of

your Coins are taking part in this backing.

I already have one big source of income in mind

and I will do 50:50 here too.

But it`s very hard for me and

takes a longer time to implement.



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